Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Saying Hello to a More Active LIFE!

Things I Would Like To Try

Okay, this Donna.  Most of the post, at least to date, are written by Mom (Karen).  Today, I thought I'd give it a try.

There are a lot of recipes and activities that I see on Facebook, the internet, in a book, or just in daily life that I would like to try, investigate, get plugged into, or find out more about. Whether I ever do all of them or not is yet to be seen, but  I a going to post a few of them today.  Then I am going to choose one or two, give them a try, and keep you updated. I'll give you the skinny on how they taste or feel or how bad they went. When you look at my list, don't smirk. Some are just fantasies that will never (or most like not be done by me, although I am not ruling them out), but a girl can dream, can't she? And it is always good to have goals to shoot for.
  • Let's start with something easy first:  This popped up on the feed back in January and I just haven't gotten the chance to make it yet. It seems more of a summer dish, and lucky for me, summer is barreling down upon us. 

Doesn't this look refreshing?
                                               Cucumber Sub   
If you love cucumbers, you will love this. I saw this on a friends page and I had to repost.

 Cucumber subs with turkey, green onions and Laughing Cow cheese! Yum!! All the goodness without all that bread! Sorry, but even though we aren't technically counting carbs, I still find myself conscious of the carbs in everything.  If you want to check it out for your self, it was on the  90 day fitness challenge
  • Now for a personal goal:  A couple of  weeks ago as I driving to pick up my Mom, I a heard a 5k being advertised The Fresh 15 in Tyler. And I decided that by next year I would be able to compete in a 5k and maybe the Relay for Life. So. I looked up a list of races for the next year and I guess I am going to have to start at least walking if I am going to make my goal. The list of races can be found here. List of 5k's.

An activity that I want to get out and start doing is photography. For Christmas my parents gave me a camera and on our last trip to see my nephew we took him to the park and I got some great pictures. Now, I want to see if I can get better at taking them. That means practice. Maybe someday I will take a class but for now I think I will go out and take pictures of the world around me and of course my nephew. Like these:    


Texas School of Professional PhotographyWhen  I am ready, there are some really impressive schools out there that are Close to home.

Egypt River Cruise - Abu SimbelFantasy hmm, let me think.... Yesterday on T.V. I saw some river cruises advertised and it made me curious. So, I looked them up. They have cruises in Europe, Asia, South America, Russia, and even the U.S. But my favorite (and the one that would be my first choice was a trip down the Nile in Egypt. You would get to see the pyramids and the Rames II statues and all sorts of other places. So if you want to check that out, you can follow this link .River Cruises. Should any of you at there in cyberland to go on one of these cruises before me, let me know how it went.   

Which do you think I should try first?  Are there any cool things out there that I should know about?  If so, send them on over.



  1. Donna, from the day you were born, you were the most amazing child and a glowing light in my life. I am so proud of the beautiful person that you have grown into today, still an amazing person. I know that there have been trials but they help shape you into the person you are so wear those scars proudly because you are awesome. I look forward to watching the changes in your life as you move into the next phase. I look forward to cheering you on as you finish your first 5K and encourage the dream of travel.
    You know that I love to travel and you are always welcome to join me on any trip I take, it may not be the Nile, but it is usually interesting. I am trying work a trip to Niagara Falls this summer so if you are interested, let me know.

  2. Thanks Aunt Lyn. I love you, too.
